
Everlyn: «We don't like labels very much»

In the next weeks, the band will return to Berlin to record new material

Published by Alex Belencoso and translated by Luisa Barbu - 11 years ago
Everlyn: «We don't like labels very much»

They sing in English, but are Spanish. Their music is a balanced mixture of powerful rock and catchy melodies. We introduce you Everlyn, in case you haven't already heard about them.

Everlyn is a project that has its origins in Madrid 9 years ago. How did you came up with the idea of having a band? What experience and influence did each one of you had?

Sergio: Everlyn is the result emerged from a former project, called Pictures of Shorelines, which was formed by Karol, Mario and Sergio with other bass players and drummers. Back then we were doing melodic hardcore, pop, punk, etc. But there came the time of our own personal growth –in a musical way of speaking- that made us think about a change of style and name of the band.

Regarding the influences, although all of us have had more or less the same, each one has his own origin and style.

And since then have you maintained the same line-up? Who are you?

Sergio: Now, Everlyn are: Karol (vocals); Mario (guitar and background vocals); Sergio (guitar and keyboards); Tony (bass) y Javi (drums). We haven't always been the same. In fact, Javi just joined the band after some changes on drums. And before that, Tony also replaced other bass player. At the beginning, Pictures of Shorelines were Karol, Mario and Sergio, with other bass player and drummer.

You have acted in almost every club there is in Madrid. What do you think about the musical scene of the city? Are there the required conditions to put up concerts?

Sergio: Yes they are, we were lucky to play in almost all of the clubs in Madrid,from smallest to biggest.

In my point of view, the panorama isn't going through its best moment, but who is it? These times we live in, the situation beeing as it is, the bands can't keep paying the rental of some clubs (even more when the club doesn't "deserve" the price they ask for). The truth is this fact astonishes in Europe, they just can't belive that in Spain the bands have to pay so much money to perform in a club of 100-150 places. It has always been this way and until now everybody accepted because it was “normal”, but now the situation beeing as it is, maybe it would be the time to think it over and change the way things are done, maybe this way we could be like other countrys that surround us.

But on the other way, luckly, the love of art is very strong and there is a great offer of concerts. What is needed is that demands matches that offer and fill the clubs!

You've also started playing in other cities some years ago. Have you noticed any difference?

Sergio: Yes we have noticed! The difference it's bigger when you get out of Spain. To begin with, in Germany or England, people tend more to go to concerts. As a curiosity, we've had shows in Germany with more public than others in Madrid.

As to the means, it's not a general and absolute rule, but there are outside many small clubs that you just can't belive the way they sound. I'm not saying you can't see none in Spain, of course there are, but what i mean is that outside is more usual finding such small clubs.

Tell us more about your latest work, “A ticket to the moon”. What can we find on that album?

Sergio: “A ticket to the Moon” is a step in our musical evolution. There are powerful songs, soft ones, moderates,... We've always liked to exploit the different influences that each one brings, which, in the case of ATTTM, makes it so balanced, always supporting that “something” that defines us.

Where did you record it? What do you make of the experience?

Sergio: ATTTM was recorded in the studios Daily Hero in Berlin, with the producer Flo Nowak. The experience was very enriching and unforgettable. We have learned a lot.

Your music has evolved and your style identifies with Rock and Punk, but taking care of the vocal melodies, is it not? Which issues do you adress in your songs and how do the ideas break forth?

Sergio: I don't think we are a punk band... The truth is that we don't like labels very much hahaha.

Yes we very much look after the melody, but not only, we look after everything when it comes to composing. The songs come up fron an idea, sometimes advanced and others not so advanced, but we use to develop and finish it together. Karol writes the lyrics, about experiences or situations of life.

Why in English? At some point did wou think about singing in Spanish or did you had your mind made up from the beginning?

Sergio: We have done songs in Spanish, but they just didn't work, it wasn't us. When you have been listening to English music all your life, English is what comes out. Any other way would be forcing it and it would be notices when performed.

The musical base sounds very strong, could you briefly tell us about the instruments and accessories do you use in the studio and live?

Sergio: Thank you! We look a lot after these things. We've thought a lot, tried many equipment until finding our sound. Concerning the guitars, we have it clear, we use Orange amps and Gibson guitars or PRS, depends of the song.

In studio, for example, ATTTM, all the guitars are PRS played through an Orange head. We also like to use effects in some parts of the song, but without abusing. We specially use delays o tremollos and, in other cases, modulations. The parts on the synth are a MicroKorg. For the bass we usually use an overdrive pedal to give it more presence and strength. For the drums we care about every element, but mostly for the sound of the snare, what we think is the most important in a production.

Live, we use the same equipment as in the studio, because we want to sound like the album, that's why everything is played, meaning, we don't use prerecorded sounds.

We supose you're preparing the new tour. Do you already have gigs? Where could we see Everlyn?

Sergio: At the moment we're recording some new songs. In April we go back to Berlin in order of doing it. After that, probably we will release a new single and, after that, maybe we'll think about touring! For the moment, we are 100% concentrated on the new songs. We can only say "watch out for the new songs, there are going to be some surprises!"

Good luck then and thank you for your time.

Sergio: Thank you for counting on us!

Hugs from the band.

Text: Alex Belencoso / Translation: Luisa Barbu

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